Authentic Locomotive & Coach Liveries
I work in the popular model railway scales - 7mm, 4mm & 2mm. I have also painted stock in G scale, gauge 1 and S scale. Due to the volume of work I have in hand I am unable to take further orders or give quotes at the moment to new customers. The site is updated from time to time so please enjoy the photos and links.
16mm - Freelance 0-4-0
7mm - GWR Scott 4-4-2, L&BR Lyn & Exe, BR Ivatt Black 5
4mm - Nothing this time
2mm - Nothing this time
7mm - GWR County 4-6-0
4mm -
7mm GWR Castle
Nothing at the moment
I have added a legal link to the Right Track 3 video on Painting and Lining (see below)
Site updated 24.03.2024.
contact me. For livery queries but not for quotes to new customers, as I am not taking on new work at present due to the length of my waiting list.
The Galleries
The photographs in the galleries are all models that I have painted (except some which are 'lining only' where the builder has done the main painting; these are noted). Some of the models have been weathered after delivery - in most of these I credit the person who did it. I also try to credit the builder when I know who it is. If you see something you think you should be credited for, let me know.
The photographs in the galleries are in alphabetical order of the livery carried, and in number order within that. There are some exceptions, the main ones being diesel, electric, industrial and Irish locomotives in the galleries which come under D,E & I.
Since publication the Modeller's Handbook of Painting and Lining has become the definitive work on the subject and has had many favourable reviews in the model press and on the Web. It is published by Wild Swan and is available from them, booksellers at exhibitions and on the Web.
Wild Swan Books is now owned and operated by Simon Castens of the Titfield Thunderbolt Bookshop. The address is -
Wild Swan Books Ltd, 3A Upper Lambridge Street, Larkhall, BATH, BA1 6RY
Tel 01225 462332, email simon@wildswanbooks.co.uk
The magazines continues to be published from Didcot under the new name Cygnet Magazines
The 'Right Track' series of DVDs has become the market leader in providing practical advice to railway modellers. Edition 3 covers Painting, Lining and some simple methods for Weathering . The more elementary procedures are covered by the well known modeller and photographer Tony Wright while Ian Rathbone covers the more sophisticated techniques for spray painting and lining with a draughtsman's bow pen. It is an excellent companion to 'A Handbook of Painting and Lining' as it shows the work actually being done instead of just described.
Here is a legal link to the Right Track 3 video -